Today I've been given another timed writing prompt. So I've set my timer to 5 minutes to write about time.
Times a little abstract. Have you ever heard that tumblr circulating statement that time is a concept created by man? Well that fucked 13 year old Angela up. Everyone on earth has 24 hours in each day to do with what they please. The most successful people, for the most part, are the people who know exactly how to spend their time for optimum success.
I think that's why when I read about or see people the same age as me achieving such incredible things I get very freaked out and a little bit annoyed. I can't help but compare myself, regardless of their social, or financial situation. The fact that Kendall and Kylie Jenner were born into money still doesn't stop my mind from forcing me to feel inadequate. Kylie is even YOUNGER than me. But instead of spreading jealous hate, I let them inspire me instead.
This has gone slightly off topic so I'll return to the prompt. Getting old scares me ie. Time passing. Think of how many minutes or hours you wasted today. Was liking those 56 Instagram photos worth it? Was watching a crappy film you couldn't be bothered turning off worth it? How many things did you put off in order to waste some time? Did you call your mum or watch that tv show? Did you go for a run or get two hours more unnecessary sleep?
Whenever I've been in a slump I like to look at successful people who are my age. I bet they didn't eat a can of Pringles and trawl Spotify instead of furthering themselves. Time is good and bad and it's all about what you make of it.
Thanks for reading! You can read my last five minute prompt post here.