Am I Provoking You


I wrote this poem in response to the above video. Fuck this video and fuck those four plastic faced news readers.

Am I provoking you
With my short skirt
And a look of innocence

Does the twinkle in my eye
And the sight of my thighs
Push you beyond control

Am I provoking you
By telling you no
And batting your hand away

Am I provoking you
By screaming as I'm
Pushed into darkness

Am I provoking you
As my body is used
Against my will

Am I provoking you
As I cry and quiver
With your hand over my mouth

Am I provoking you
When my legs fall from under me
And I'm laying in the gutter

I am not provoking you
By living my life
And doing as I please

I am not provoking you

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