An Open Letter To Brock Turners Family


Dear Turners,

I open this by saying I'm sorry about what you are currently going through. No family should have to deal with such stress. Having to witness your child going through something as horrific as you are must be testing. It must break your heart to see someone you probably still think of as your baby being hurt and his future shattered. If you read that again, and this time think of Brocks victim, it still makes sense doesn't it? If you put yourself in the place of the victims parents who, much like you, didn't envisage this kind of future for their child, it's impossibly easy to understand why an uproar has occurred. 

To Brocks father Dan, 

I sincerely hope you retract your letter. Or at least regret what you stated. Your son may have been happy go lucky and while you did try and humanise him you shouldn't have to. But you do, because your son raped and assaulted a young woman. Much like you claim your son is, I'm willing to bet that Brocks victim is "consumed with worry, anxiety, fear and depression," due to the fact your son couldn't control himself. Alcohol wasn't to blame for what happened on the nights of Jan 17th and 18th. No, your son is to blame and nothing else. Brock had to make a decision. Either he could leave an unconscious woman alone, leave her fully clothed and resting. Or he could assault her. As you know he chose the latter. That doesn't make him the man you clearly thought he was or could be. That means whatever bright future may have been ahead of him should be taken away. Just like that womans dignity was taken away with every unwanted touch of your sons hand. Your son is a rapist who happened to be a swimmer and college student. These things do not automatically erase what your son did. Neither will the embarrassingly measly sentence your son got. 6 months in prison will not erase the disgusting things your son did. Please empathise with the victim, or at least her parents. They too have had to see their childs future ruined or altered. Only, unlike Brocks future, this wasn't ripped apart due to her own actions. Your son chose to have his "20 minutes of action" with an unconscious woman and he should pay a price much dearer than he has been given. Once again. "binge drinking" was not responsible for what happened that night, your son was. Wake up and realise that your son is not the victim here. His future has changed due to his own callous and disgusting actions.

To Brocks Mother Carleen, 

Your sons smile should have been wiped from his face, and if he had been given the sentence he deserved then his smile would been gone from his face a lot longer. He may have been a polite and respectful child, but he was none of those things to his victim. As a woman you should recognise the severity of what your son has done. Your son may have been a keen swimmer from an early age and he may have achieved highly in academia. But your son chose to swim, he chose to study hard and your son chose to assault and rape a young woman. For that he deserves a suitable punishment and 6 months in jail simply isn't enough. He will never feel as violated as his victim did that night, he will never know of the horribly intrusive questioning she went through. He will never know the depths she will have sank to during her time recovering from such a disgustingly awful assault. Her alcohol consumption is not to blame for what happened, your son Brock is. Your attempts to humanise him genuinely make me sick to my stomach. Surely you can see how wrong it is to defend a rapist no matter if he is your son. If your daughter had been assaulted and raped would you  blame her? I hope to god you wouldn't and you instead would stand up and defend your daughter with the vigor you are defending your guilty son. His thoughtfulness as a child, once again, doesn't erase his actions. If he was truly thoughtful and respectful he would have known not to touch a woman without her consent. You may have raised a respectful, polite, high achieving young man but he certainly didn't turn out to be one. You need to realise your son assaulted and raped a young woman. His past has no impact whatsoever on his actions. His family history, his background or his athletic and academic ability cannot and should not have been taken into account when Brock was being sentenced. Victimising your son and blaming the REAL victim in all this is harrowing and completely out of order. Your son raped a young woman. Therefor he is a rapist and deserves the sentencing that should be attached to that. 


A woman who is scared for humanity. 

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