The Happiest Day Of My Life
18:03:00This is a tough one. I've had a good life with many happy moments. When I was four and I sat on Santa's lap and he told me I was a good girl I beamed for a week. When my family brought our Labrador Bart home and he ran to me first I felt a weird sense of maternal happiness towards a tiny puppy. When my boyfriend inadvertently told me he loved me as we sat on my bedroom floor laughing and enjoying a freedom I'd never experienced before, I felt my heart expand. But I think the happiest moment of my life was my first day of college.
Here's some back story. On the week running up to September 1st I was not in a good place. I felt alone and isolated. I was riddled with anxieties I didn't even know I had. So September 1st came and I couldn't breath. On the day that should have been my first day of college I had my first panic attic. I was shaking and crying uncontrollably for hours. But after a few days and a little medication I managed to venture into college.
My friend was also attending college that day. He stayed with me til my first class started, walked me into my building and wished me luck with a hug. I walked nervously, checking the room number of every door and my heart quickened with every door that passed. I looked up and outside the room I was supposed to be stood a group of 15 people, all around my age or a bit older. My voice shook as I asked if this was journalism. They all nodded happily. A few people chatted and laughed with each other but I just stared around me hoping no one would notice just how nervous I was, I prayed my shaking hand wouldn't be spotted by the class joker. Luckily it wasn't and a minute later my lecturer walks past and everyone files into the class. I sat beside a girl who become a great friend throughout the year. Without such a friendly face I don't even know what I would have done. After the day was over I returned home, so, so relived. I felt so at peace and so happy. I had actually accomplished something and over come my anxieties and fears. That was the purest form of happiness I've ever felt.
Thanks for reading. You can read the rest of my November Blogging Challenge here.