

Today's challenge is to write for five minutes in the prompt Freedom.

So I've set my timer and here we go.

I've put very little thought into the word freedom before. To me freedom has always meant living a life away from my parents. However as I grew up over time I realised that true and real freedom is quite difficult to come by. I always thought that once I finished school or college and started work I would be freer than I ever had been before, ridding myself of the shackles my parents had inadvertently put on me. But I've come to learn the opposite is true. 

I was forced to leave the job I had last month due to family health reasons. But despite the fact I only worked once or twice a week I was almost constantly missing out on doing things because of it. I missed weekend visits from my boyfriend or simply got to spend a few hours with him before he jetted back for another week of college. I missed  family weddings because I had to work at someone else's.I missed get togethers with friends, I missed nights out. I missed concerts and so many things I thought were the pinnacle youth. 

Now I'm out of a job and money is running a little low. So despite having so much free time I still can't do all of the things I thought I'd be able to at 19. But is the amount of free time you have how you should measure your freedom?

At the moment I don't think so. I think freedom should be measured in how whether  you are capable (regardless of money or time) of doing things you love and enjoy. In how you can walk down the street and not worry about being attacked. Can you wear exactly what you want without your friends or family judging you? Some may seem trivial, but I've come to learn that these kinds of things are what true freedom is. You may be working 9-5 and you may miss out on a concert or date night but of you get to freely speak your opinions or wear whatever you'd like, then freedom is exactly what you've got. 

Thanks for reading! 

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