POTW #17


This weeks playlist is a little different than usual. I talked here about how my anxiety hit its peak last week. Since then it has thankfully calmed drastically. However I think my new calmed mood may have something to do with the lack of noise I fill my head with. 
I used to listen to music to distract myself. If I felt bad or sad or any other range of emotions I'd pop in my ear phones and drown everything else out. But as I stated I'm trying to stop infiltrating my mind with distractions. So I've started to listen to less music.
While it was completely coincidental yesterday I went for a run, during which my phone died. 3G ate my battery and at first I was a little miffed. There was nothing I could do and an ominous cloud in the distance warned me if I didn't run now I wouldn't be able to for the rest of the day. So I ran, without music. And it was honestly one of the most liberating experiences of my life. 
So I have some words of advice. Put away your earphones and listen to the world around you. Let it inspire and motivate you. 
Listen to the sound of your Nikes.You and only you are working to improve your body. You are pushing yourself forward with every step you take. 
Let the sound of your heels give you a new sense of confidence. Let every click tell you that you can take what the day throws at you and more. 
Allow birdsong to calm your heart and your soul. 
Listen to your own beating heart as you pant your way through a jog and realise that everything could be so.much.worse and it will be so.much.better. 

I go for runs down a little country lane close to my home. The road begins with a thatched cottage, flowing stream and a duck pond so you can guess for yourself it's a pretty quiet place a million miles from city noises and stress. If you aren't as lucky as me to have such a tranquil place close by, try and find a quiet road or park to get away to every so often. And if not YouTube has an abundance of birdsong, rain storms and various other sounds that come with quiet country lanes. 

Thanks for reading! Be sure to check back every Wednesday and Sunday for new posts. And check out my social media here: 

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